Social Networking as a Tool for Education Social networking stands for the use of internet-based social media sites in order to be in contact with other people such as colleagues, families, friends, customers, etc. With the rise of social softwares, social networking became a dominant topic. Social softwares is a part of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 technologies are used and created by various internet users to enlarge and spread the existing online content pool worldwide. Worldwide social softwares include wikipedias, blogs, podcasts, etc. which are used by educators to provide online materials to students. The contents generated by users open doors to new possibilites. Group or individual works can be done using the contents, this way, teamwork spirit is also injected to content users. There are some problems with the system though, for example, the unauthenticated and unfiltered data that will be a drag for students who are not commanded or guided by ...