
My First-Aid Certificate

      I know that first-aid in schools is necessary and the reason I chose to have a certificate on this topic is the need of first-aid knowledge that you can use in class environment. Here is a QR code of my certificate to make the process easier.

Social Networking as a Tool for Education

  Social Networking as a Tool for Education    Social networking stands for the use of internet-based social media sites in order to be in contact with other people such as colleagues, families, friends, customers, etc. With the rise of social softwares, social networking became a dominant topic. Social softwares is a part of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 technologies are used and created by various internet users to enlarge and spread the existing online content pool worldwide. Worldwide social softwares include wikipedias, blogs, podcasts, etc. which are used by educators to provide online materials to students. The contents generated by users open doors to new possibilites. Group or individual works can be done using the contents, this way, teamwork spirit is also injected to content users.       There are some problems with the system though, for example, the unauthenticated and unfiltered data that will be a drag for students who are not commanded or guided by ...

Use of AR and VR In Education

          These words might not be familiar for dinosaurs but not us, Augmented Reality (A.R.) and Virtual Reality (V.R.) are two of the novel technologies in the industry. VR is basically a screen that makes your vision 100% changed and lets you see different types of environments. AR is an augmentation tool with glasses that basically advances your vision by creating flying panels around your eyes just like in a science fiction film.    VR use in education is really beneficial in these lockdown days as it helps students and teachers to be assembled again in a digital class. Students can analyse worlds that they have never seen, for example, a mining Engineer trainee can see Mponeng Gold Mine, Garzweiler Surface Mine or even Hpakant Jade Mine without leaving their houses. VR is an efficient tool in economic factor, students do not always have wealthy parents, so they cannot always go abroad and visit special places, VR helps breaking the boundari...

Blogs of My Fellow Teachers

I want to add my fellow teacher's blogs here, they worked hard to create and maintain these blogs, feel free to take a look at them :) Ahmet Doğan's Blog https://hightechmats.blogspot.com/?m=1 Halil Üneş's Blog https://halilunes.blogspot.com/?m=1 Ünal Parlak's Blog https://chaseyourfuture.blogspot.com/ Muhammed Aydoğdu's Blog https://muhammedaydogdu.blogspot.com/?m=1 Kristina Nikolaeva's Blog https://kristinanklva.blogspot.com/

Nearpod: A Digital Class Application

   Nearpod is best described as an online class application just like zoom. Teachers can create lessons and generate codes for their lessons, send the codes to their students and can accept students to their classes. Student do not have to create an individual account for themselves, so Nearpod also protects privacy of the students in a class.  

Voki: An Education Tool with Videos and Customizable Avatars

    Voki is a simple application in which you can create a speaking avatar to your liking. You can use your avatars in lessons, blogs, wiki entries, etc. This application is really useful for the shy students who wants to talk but wants to hide their faces at the same time, Voki lets us see and hear them even if they do not open their cameras. Just open your cameras kids, we will not eat you, we are not monsters!

Flipgrid: An Query Platform with Videos as Answers

   Flipgrid is a convenient application, teachers can form questionnaires to assess their students. Teachers can post videos and texts to create discussions about the topics included in the videos. Students can answer the questions using videos made by them.